Updates For the latest news, please follow me on Instagram: Magical 🫶✨ #speedskating #schaatsen #eisschn Progress 😊 #power #speed #coordination #stronge Jumping around 😄 #speedskating #schaatsen #spr This is the best part 🥰 #racemode #beastmodeon Power doesn’t know which way to go yet 😂 #pow Working on speedoskato 👌😍 Back on my home tr Didn’t expect paparazzi on 8am training sessions Come skate with me 😊 Working on technique on a Work work work 🤗 #progress #stronger #bettereve The reason I love outdoor skating ♥️ #winteri Work in Progress 🥰 #raceprep #racemode #speeds Good day today 😊🙏 I’m lifting weights I’